Ali Alghanim & Sons Holding
Chairman Message

Since our humble beginning in the early 1960s as a steel fabrication factory, Ali Alghanim & Sons has become a global trendsetter in Kuwait. Our conglomerate of businesses evolved with our beloved country, ever mindful of our society’s cherished values and principles. Our success is a result of our business philosophy, which acknowledges the importance of our partners, our clients, our employees and our society.
At this point of our journey, we can only feel proud of what we have achieved, and eager to what is yet to come, while remaining true to our sense of giving to the society that has given so much. Only a healthy society breeds a healthy future, and we believe in investing all our efforts to that noble end.
Through our journey, every stage of our expansion was dictated by our commitment to the society, and our customers in particular. We deem the trust they place in us as our greatest achievement.
Our proactive approach to business is driven by our global expertise and deep local knowledge, giving us the edge to lead in our market. However, this would not have been possible without partnering with globally established brands with whom we share long-standing relationships that are founded on mutual trust and years of transparency and fairness. We have helped our partners grow in our local market, and in turn, they have helped us grain the trust of the customers as providers of quality services and products. Not only do our partnership with them support our business operations, but also nurture an environment of growth and prosperity.
At the core level, we owe our success to our employees, the backbone of our organization. Their integrity and commitment are the seeds from which all achievements bloom. And we as an organization, provide them with the opportunities and encouragement they need to achieve their full potential. These are the values that have seen us through thick and thin times, and that have given us the strength to rise to the challenges over the decades.
As we move forward in a world of globalization and fast changing technology, the way we operate is changing, and so are the challenges. However, there are some things that never change. They are our values and principles which create a sense of belonging in every member of our Group. That is what makes us more than just a conglomerate. It makes us a family.