Ali Alghanim & Sons

Ali Alghanim & Sons Group of Companies shares a common vision, mission and values throughout its subsidiaries, selecting partners from world leaders in their fields, ensuring customer satisfaction, empowering employees and serving the society.
The trading and contracting companies are no different. While they execute mega projects as well as ones with sensitive requirements and specification, the companies have grown to lead in their fields, driven by the vision and values.
Each ensures quality deliveries, implemented continued training programs and partners with leaders in the international field to support its growth in Kuwait as well as the GCC.
The trading and contracting companies comprise SAI General Trading and Contracting, Mechanical Engineering and Contracting and Alghanim Wormald Safety & Security Systems.

SAI General Trading and Contracting (SAI)
SAI General Trading and Contracting is one of the leading companies in civil construction with over half a century experience in the industry.Sharing the common values of Ali Alghanim & Sons Group of Companies, SAI is committed to quality services and has earned its reputation year and year in Kuwait for upholding the highest standards in delivering contracted projects.
In civil engineering, SAI executed projects in the oil and gas, petrochemical, water, power and public works sectors, as well as carries out maintenance projects for roads, drainage and utilities. SAI has also an approved building construction division executing high quality and complex showrooms, tower blocks, industrial facilities and substations, in addition to maintenance works for hospitals and educational facilities.
The Company is also well experienced in material management, quality control and procedures to ensure that health, safety and environmental matters are fully considered Today, SAI has grown to build projects exceeding a million Kuwaiti dinars.
SAI is certified with the ISO 14001:2015 for Environment, ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management, and OHSAS 18001:2007.

Mechanical Engineering and Contracting (MECC)
Mechanical Engineering and Contracting (MECC) is one of the leading companies in the construction industry in Kuwait, executing largescale projects in excess of US$ 300 million. Approved to be contracted by oil companies in Kuwait, MECC has developed strong standards of operations to delivered on the specifications and requirement of sensitive projects of the oil sector.
Established in 1967, MECC was first geared towards providing experts contractual services to the oil and gas industry in Kuwait. The series of successes that followed let MECC to grow and expanded exponentially to cover larger projects and requirements. Today, MECC has capabilities to build projects exceeding US$ 800 million.
Driven by a commitment to quality operations and responsibility towards the society, MECC has invested in a solid quality assurance that ensures the safety of workers and operations throughout the construction process and aiming to prevent defects for long-term sustainability of buildings.
MECC is accredited for Health, Safety and Environment by the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS 2007 :18001).
MECC believes in a combined aggressive strategic planning, quality products and service to deliver the best value for clients. The Company delivers EPC contracts, manifold construction and associated works, civil works, HIC projects, substations, electrical works, plant installation and maintenance amongst others.

Alghanim Wormald Safety & Security Systems
Launching operations in 1997 to complement its existing business lines, Alghanim Wormald has grown today to be the trusted and leading service provider of turnkey solutions for the oil and gas, power and commercial projects. Specializing in fire protection, plumbing and trading, the Company is category A approved by the Kuwait Fire Service Directorate for both electrical and mechanical systems.
Offering quality products and integrated services, Alghanim Wormald designs, supplies, installs, tests and commissions, as well as provides maintains. In fire protection, the Company’s solutions range from sprinklers, water sprays, the Inergen Clean Agent System, dry powder, to the Vesda aspirating smoke detection solutions, foam, gas as well as detection systems.
The Company’s partners comprise of leading product providers including UAE-based RAK Ceramics, Germany-based SVT for fire protection paintings and coatings, UK-based Tanda for detection, voice alarm and fire telephone, Oman-based Techno Plastic Industry for technology pipes and systems, US-based VES for fire alarms and sound evacuation systems.Today, Alghanim Wormald serves government projects as well as the private sector, including the Ministry of Electricity and Water, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Public Works, Kuwait University, KNPC, KOC, PIC, EQUATE, Agility, Siemens and many more.

Electromechanical Supplies
The Group provides quality equipment and tailor-made solutions for water systems, air systems, heat transfer technology and the latest green energy technology. The electromechanical supplies division works closely with engineering consultants, contractors and developers to offer solutions that meet their needs. Its approach has earned it a leading position in the market. A showroom is dedicated to customers where they can access a wide range of products including pumps, filters, heaters, pipes, water tanks, fans in addition to HVAC pumps and accessories. The Group has partnered with international brands such as Germany-based KSB, US-based Armstrong, both leaders in pump technology. For fans and ventilations, the Group partnered with international brands such as the Italian Vortice, Dynair and American Twin City. Stainless electrical water heaters, heat exchangers and hot water boilers are distributed from the world-renowned manufacturer, Ecotherm. Heating systems include a variety of emergent technologies such as solar, gas-fired boilers and heat pumps for hotels and hospitals.